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Мишель и Сара Перрин сдают свой дом в аренду

11 июля 2014 г.

Беверли-ХиллзМишель Перрин известен своим неподражаемым вкусом и умением уникально сочетать аутентичные стили с элегантностью и утонченностью интерьера. Все эти собенности вы можете найти и в его особняке, расположенном в популярном калифорнийском округе Беверли-Хиллз. Итак, хорошая новость состоит в том, что генеральный директор всемирно известного бренда роскошной кожаной мебели Perrin Paris, Мишель Перрин и его супруга Салли предлагают жеающим рендовать их дизайнерский дом.
Built in 1950 by renowned shopping mall architect Victor Gruen, the gated midcentury gem boasts architectural pedigree not only in design, but also in photography. The 4,636-square-foot home was framed by legendary photographer Julius Shulman, whose architectural shots have helped document and further the California modern movement for more than 70 years. In addition to giving the listing more clout, the included Shulman photos offer a glimpse into the past and the original, intimate details of Gruen’s vision.
Though the vision has been altered, many of the same attributes remain in the home. The Perrins purchased the property for $3.515 million in 2006, shortly before rebooting the 120-year-old Perrin Paris brand as a purveyor of designer handbags. Chahan Minassian was tapped to style an interior that, according to a 2007 story in Harper’s Bazaar, “was inspired by the cult 1968 Peter Sellers film “The Part”.”
Featuring towering walls of glass and airy spaces, the midcentury classic embodies the free-spirited, organic lifestyle that has become synonymous with Southern California. An open interior of 4,636 square feet offers access to side patios and looks out over a shapely backyard pool. Of its luxury touches, limestone flooring, tongue-and-groove Douglas Fir paneling and massive stone fireplace will stand out to the designer eye. A gourmet kitchen designed by Balthaup and a pool house-turned-office highlight its finer amenities.
Those in the market for such a recherché rental will want to have plenty of cash on hand. Tenants of the Perrin palace are expected to commit to a minimum of a nine-month lease at $25,000 a month.

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