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Кабинет из бетонных плиток для дома

15 июля 2014 г.

Кабинет из бетонных плиток для домаWe received photos and information about an original concrete lowboard design envisioned by Rafael Cichy and entitled Thorax. A modular installation concept with the highest design standards, the project is innovative to say the least.
Due to its heavy mass, the unusual furniture item is guaranteed not to disturb the sensitive electronics stored inside or around. But this is not just a functional piece, but a heavy eye-catcher as well.
concrete locker magazine rack 1 Solid Modular Lowboard Built From Concrete for Storing Hi Tech Gizmos
Some technical information from the designer will probably make the project easier to understand: “The three different elements in the basic forms of O, E and C can be combined individually and build open a variety of possibilities.
Whether six, 10 or 15 members – easily the radial arrangement together with airy spaces raises the concrete from its conventional context and creates an intricate whole. The connectors are available in three wides: 5 cm ; 4 cm ; 3 cm and are made of stainless steel or aluminum (brushed/anodized)”.

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