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Как сделать дом более здоровым и экологичным

22 июля 2014 г.

Как сделать дом более здоровым и экологичнымAs we enter the New Year we all resolve to become better, more productive, happier and healthier. Should we not do the same for our homes? After all, much of our happiness, health and wellbeing comes from within (and outside) of the walls that shelter us from life’s storms. We take pride in and care of our homes, selecting carefully the color of our walls, the rugs on our floors, our appliances, furniture and exactly where and how each piece of artwork should be hung. Our homes are indeed a reflection of us… They reflect our interests, passions and lifestyles. They are the places we long to return to at the end of the day.
They are our comfort and joy. And often, they are the cause of illness, injury, allergy and malaise. We often don’t realize this. We need to look beyond the surface to make sure that our homes are healthy and to ensure that our families are healthy. It doesn’t take much and the steps are often simple ones. Below are some simple and yet very important steps we can take to make sure that our homes are as healthy as can be. Let’s all resolve to make our homes healthier in 2013!
According to The RX List most of us live in unhealthy homes and we may not know it. Radon is present in 1 out of 16 homes. Water leaks exist in 1 out of 10 homes. Structural problems can be found in 1 out of every 6 houses, while lead-based paint and non-functioning smoke detectors are present in a staggering 1 out of 4 homes. Let’s walk through our homes and see what we can do to ensure the safety of our families.
home safety kitchen How to Make Your Home Healthier for 2013
It might seem obvious, but never use your oven or stove to heat your home. Make sure that your kitchen is fitted with a fan or hood that vents to the outside. This will send smoke, extra moisture and toxins outdoors instead of trapping them inside your home. Caulk up any holes and crevices to prevent insects and diseased rodents from entering your home. Wipe up all spills and make sure that all food is well sealed and contained. Filter your drinking water and if you’re considering a remodel consider materials like copper and cork which are antimicrobial. It might seem as though it goes without saying, but a good deep clean every now and then to get rid of moisture and sticky residue will help to keep bugs and mold away.
healthy home kitchens How to Make Your Home Healthier for 2013
Make sure that all bathrooms are well vented and that all fans are in proper repair and vented outside. Fans should be wiped down and cleared/dusted off regularly. It is important to eliminate as much moisture as possible as these rooms are breeding grounds for mold and moisture. Wipe down as much as you can after showers. Regularly check for mold and mildew and remove them using mild, non-toxic cleaning products. Mold and mildew may appear in faucets, and around fixtures as well as on shower liners. It may not be a bad idea to keep windows cracked open to allow for the release of excess steam.
For safety measures, grab bars should be added on bathroom walls, in showers and by the toilet to prevent falls, especially if there are elderly or children living in your home. Again, it may seem obvious, but be sure that all medicine is safely out of reach of all children. They should be stored in child-resistant containers and cabinets. If your medicine cabinet is lockable, keep it locked. If you are a multi-generational home with both elderly and young, there may be medicine that is more easily accessible to those with arthritis and therefore may not be safe to store near children. In this case a locked storage place is crucial.

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