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Какова связь моды и дизайна интерьера?

22 июля 2014 г.

Какова связь моды и дизайна интерьера?According to Gretchen Aubuchon, Editor in Chief of Fashion + Decor, who recently spoke with industry leaders in both the fashion and the home design fields about this very topic, feels that “the worlds of fashion and decor are colliding.” She explains where there was once a 5 to 6 year lag from the runway to furniture showrooms, “then a couple of years ago we were seeing just a 2 year or 2 season lag, and now both worlds are engaging as the creative minds are joining together with the social media forces.”
It seems, according to many, that almost as soon as a collection hits the runway, reporters, photographers and bloggers are sharing these events with their readers and viewers. Through these images that are posted on blogs, websites and across our television screens to the consumer. So, where fashion was once a true driver of the world of interiors, the two are now working together.
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Aubuchon believes that “designers are now looking to the same blogs and websites to see what their customers see, what trends seem to be taking off and have holding power.” She continues to tell me that “The brands in fashion and home decor are now hearing the same things, at the same time and therefore not really influencing eachother.
I do think that fashion will always influence home decor a little bit” However, she adds “I also see decor now stepping in to influence fashion a little bit.” She explains this by using the Icat prints as an example. They were all the rage in the furniture showrooms last year and now they are starting to hit the runways.
tartan How Does the World of Fashion Influence The World of Interiors?
The worlds of fashion and decor are colliding.

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