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Лампы из миниатюрных домиков

17 июля 2014 г.

Лампы из миниатюрных домиковWe stumbled across these lovely and original lamp designs envisioned by architect Lauren Daley from San Francisco. Lauren skillfully built three homes in different architecture styles (Eco, Modern, and Bungalow) and attached them to lighting units: “I started House-Lamp to combine a couple of my greatest joys: making things with my own two hands, and architectural design“.
architecture house lamp 2 Miniature Homes Creatively Attatched to Lighting Designs: House Lamp [Video]
The project took a lot of researching and hard work: ” I’ve spent over a year developing House-Lamp to bring you the best lamp I can. I’ve hauled lumber on subways and buses, spent lots of my hard earned cash, routed and re-routed bases, written my own theme music, and have made more models than I know what to do with. Each House-Lamp comes on either a stained solid wood base or a plywood base with a natural finish“. The lamps are approximately 7-1/4″ wide, 14″ long, and 18″ tall. Have a look at the video for a better understanding of the project and let us know which design is your favorite.

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