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Новый сервис Google Maps предлагает планы доступных квартир

18 июля 2014 г.

Новый сервис Google Maps предлагает планы доступных квартирIf you are a shopping enthusiast, or simply find it practical to have an indoor map of a mall when looking for a certain household object, this new service launched by Google Maps will come in handy. Google Indoor Maps comes with over 10,000 indoor layouts, for stores, malls, casinos, museums and airports around the world. And this is just the beginning, as anyone can upload their own building plan online.
google maps interior New Google Indoor Maps Service, With Over 10,000 Floor Plans Available via Mobile
The service is currently available in selected locations in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, the U.S., Sweden, and Switzerland. Navigating on Google Indoor Maps is just like exploring Google Maps. All you have to do is type in the location and zoom into the map, until you see the floor plan. A special feature lets you switch between levels, thus making it easy to find the area of the store you are interested in. Find the service practical?

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