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Как сделать в доме секретную дверь

24 июля 2014 г.

Как сделать в доме секретную дверьWe are used to hearing about secret passageways and hidden doors, but these concepts are usually not so frequent in real life. Which is why we were pleasantly surprised to find a true architecture portal in a movie posted on youtube a few days back. As you can see, the idea is not far-fetched and can be well implemented in the overall design of a house. And no, this won’t work by simply pushing the door aside and then pulling it after you exist the house. An interesting system was elaborated, which implies a Morning Industry Keypad and Remote Deadbolt. And there is one other small element that could give the secret away: a tap. Either way, the project is highly original, some might say even fun. Have a look at the video below to see how well the developers managed to camouflage the door within the walls of the building and enjoy the opening/closing system!

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