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Как создать дома расслабляющую атмосферу

26 июля 2014 г.

Как создать дома расслабляющую атмосферуOur lives these days are busier than ever. We spend more time in our offices or on the road than we do in our own homes. Our lives have become so fast paced and frenzied that we really need to make a concerted effort to slow down. For many of us this no longer comes naturally and we must force ourselves to relax – to really stop and smell the roses. A home that is disorganized, chaotic and full of discord is not a relaxed one. There are a few simple and very basic steps that we can do to make our homes more harmonious and peaceful to return to at the end of a busy day.
freshome tranquil home How to Make Your Home Feel More Relaxing
One can easily set the tone for a calm and relaxing home by taking a few simple steps.
Flowers are incredibly soothing both visually and aromatically.
White candles add an air of calm and relaxation. Do stay away from the fragrant ones as they can often be overwhelmingly strong.
Lighting is so very important. Natural sunlight does wonders to one’s spirit. Don’t block a room’s natural sunlight. Be sure to keep shades pulled up and curtains and drapes pulled off to the sides. Even when the sun is not out, daylight’s natural light is quite bright.
The paint colors you choose in your home can have a profound effect on your mood. I suggest, for a quiet, more relating atmosphere to go with tranquil blues, greens and greys. Whites and beiges are suitable as well – stick with natural tones. Keep bright and jarring colors out of furniture and fabrics in the areas you wish to keep calm. Bright colors tend to energize, and our goal is to create the opposite effect.
Remove clutter. Clutter is distracting and immediately instills a sense of chaos and disorderliness. Tchotchkes should be tucked away and replaced with items that soothe or inspire – such as family photographs (as long as there aren’t too many that they look like clutter) and freshly cut flowers and plants.
Surround yourself with books (as long as they are not work-related) and throw pillows and blankets.
Hardwood floors and soft area rugs can tie in furniture to help create a focal point and unity. The idea is to create a space that looks and feels softer, calmer and more relaxing. Layering soft textures can create this effect as can fireplaces.
Read on as I use these suggestions in various rooms of the home.

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