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Оригинальная плитка для ванной комнаты

07 ноября 2014 г.

Теперь плитки в ванной содержат античные археологические фрагментыThe white tiles (The Storywall), as part of the Analogia Project by designer Andrea Mancuso and architect Emilia Serra is an installation especially envisioned for the Fuorisalone 2013.The surfaces reproduce accurately archaeological fragments and ruins from the Museo del Castello Sforzesco di Milano, Museo Civico Archeologico di Milano, and from Musei Capitolini di Roma. Shapes coming from different times appear on the white ceramic surface recalling us that the past is still living in the present time.
Project Analogia 4 Original White Tiles Exhibiting Archaeological Fragments: The Storywall
Virtual digital models of the archaeological artifacts have been acquired by using a cutting edge technique and the prototypes have been used as ceramic molds: it is an original project that explores the relationship between design, archeology and craftsmanship in an experimental way. The project is the result of a collaboration with master ceramist Alessio Sarri (who collaborated with artists and designers such as Sottsass, Natalini, Du Pasquier e Morrison). [Photo Credits: Giulio Boem]
Project Analogia 2 Original White Tiles Exhibiting Archaeological Fragments: The Storywall

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